Class lists in hours, not weeks
Shibutz helps elementary schools start the year without stress. Create better class lists in less time.
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Everything you need to balance classes
Shibutz empowers school administrators and educators to create balanced classes.
Ease of use
Simple and intuitive, built for everyone - administrators and teachers alike.
Gender and Features balance
Balance classes based on gender, emotional, behavioral, social and learning skill.
Friends and preferences
Ensure children stay with their friends, in order to have a smooth transition from kindergarten to school.
Special Requirements
Handle specific requests and requirements, such as ensuring siblings are in different classes, or assign specific teachers to certain children.
How It Works
Create balanced classes in three simple steps
Import Student Data
Import or add manually your students' information. Provide information such as gender, skills (social, emotional, learning) and requested friends.

Set Parameters
Define additional criteria, such as assigning students to specific classes and avoid plaincg siblings together.

Generate class lists that match your criteria. Our intelligent system provides a balanced class list, which takes into consideration all the parameters for the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions
- A system to manage kids assignemnts to class, based on the provided characteristics. This includes unlimited number of children, classes, and assignment shufflings
Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.
- The system doens put any limit. Obviously, the more kids you have, the tougher it will be to find a balanced assignment that match all requirements.
- Unlimited! Try different combinations, tweak and play with the requiments. We're here to manke your life easier.
- Cool, contact us by email

Ready to transform your class planning?
Start creating better classes lists, for a better learning environments.